Lets Help Refugees
Ethiopia, Libya, Sudan
Medical care and clean water supply expenses.
For additional information on educational opportunities etc
We wish to ease the humanitarian crisis of Eritrean Refugees with humanitarian support: providing them with food, shelter, education, and whatever it might demand.
We strive to make a difference in the lives of Eritrean Urban Refugees in Ethiopia, Libya, Sudan, and Egypt. We aim to help people in a non-discriminative manner: they could be from any religion or of any color or background, what matters the most is “they need us”.
1000s of refugees in Tigray, northern Ethiopia are in a desperate condition – Access to the camps has been denied as if the camps are being targeted for getting rid of the refugees in any case. According to a UN report, there are over 2.3 million refugees across the conflictridden Tigray who are in dire need of lifesaving sup
Refugees have lived an intensely painful past – they are having awful experiences in present as well – and sadly have no hopes of the future! They need protection – there are ultimate fear and hunger. They are even preferring fleeing away than staying there in the camps, by any means, as life in camps is more dreadful than leaving the camps. They are out of food – all they are left with is moringa leaves to kill their hunger.
Children, who are unaccompanied or separated, are denied the protection and special care they need. There is no chance of food and education for such children. Likewise, basic provisions are also limited to pregnant women. Neither they can delay nor can they continue their pregnancy.
We need to understand and realize the need for humanitarian support – They need protection, shelter, food, medicine, and other supplies. Let’s all help the people in this challenging time – especially the women, the children, and the elderly ones, all are helpless. Your contribution is really valued – It has the potential to stop human rights violations, and several lives will be saved certainly.